The Festival du Bûcheux, a festival with panache!
From August 22 to 25, Saint-Pamphile gets festive - and that's putting it mildly - with five days of concentrated forestry competitions and shows from Friday to Sunday. It's a great family weekend to mark in your diary for the 42nd edition of the fe…
Updated on June 3, 2024
Foody Nature - Active Nature When cycling and gourmet food go hand in hand!
Bicycle and gourmet in the same sentence, it can't help but be pleasant. A Friday in the summer of 2023, my girlfriend and I had the pleasure of being among the first to take this gourmet bike tour organized by Ann-Rika Martin of O'Ravito Café-Rela…
Updated on April 18, 2024
Curious Nature Awaken the artist in you at Village en Arts!
J'aurais voulu être un.e artiste, comme la chanson. Je rêve d’explorer toutes sortes de médiums. Pour l’instant, c’est la photographie, mais j’aimerais tellement pousser ça plus loin. On dirait que j’attends d’avoir un éclair de génie, j’explore. Me…
Updated on June 27, 2024
Édifice Desjardins et Maison Alphonse-Desjardins : 5 raisons d'être étonné!!
Vous ne pouvez pas passer à Lévis sans découvrir l'histoire passionnante de la famille Desjardins. Cette année, plusieurs nouveautés prennent place à l'Édifice Desjardins et à la Maison Alphonse-Desjardins. Vous serez étonnés de découvrir tant d'ing…
Updated on July 21, 2023
En vedette Lévis's Quai Paquet at Lunchtime
On hot summer days, Quai Paquet is the place to be in Lévis! Street food trucks to satisfy your appetite, water jets to cool off and a unique view of Quebec City. That's what awaited my girlfriend and I the day after Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day. After o…
Written on July 4, 2023
Rencontres inspirantes - En vedette Family outing: Roadtrip On The Route des Navigateurs
Take the 132 between Beaumont and Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, and you'll be immersed in the atmosphere of a summer vacation! Let yourself be charmed by the magnificent villages along the river, stop as you please (because there's no shortage of good place…
Written on July 3, 2023
Musée Minéro | KB3 : 5 raisons pourquoi ça vaut le détour!
Au cœur de la ville, deux sites incroyables nous dévoilent la riche histoire de Thetford. Voici 5 raisons pourquoi visiter le Musée Minéro | KB3 cet été.
Updated on July 4, 2023
Curious Nature Maritime museum, museum ships and more!
The Musée maritime du Québec in L'Islet offers you a life-size immersion in the marine history of Canada. Enter a hydrofoil and board a real icebreaker to learn more about the daily life of captains, explorers and the profession of sailors. Aboard M…
Written on June 20, 2023
Foody Nature Le savoir-faire de nos arrêts gourmands - Cidrerie St-Nicolas : la passion de la pomme
La Cidrerie St-Nicolas, c’est une histoire de famille. «Ce sont mes parents, Pierre Lafond et Patricia Daigneault, qui ont fondé l’entreprise, raconte d’emblée Louise Lafond. C’était le rêve de mon père depuis qu’il était jeune d’avoir sa cidrerie.»
Updated on April 30, 2024
Foody Nature Le savoir-faire de nos arrêts gourmands - Cidrerie Le Somnambule : cueillir et accueillir
C’est en 2016 que le jeune couple formé d’Emile Robert et d’Eve Larouche Laliberté a fait l’acquisition d’un verger en activité depuis le début des années 80 : Casa Breton, à Saint-Henri-de-Lévis, un petit village dans le comté de Bellechasse.
Updated on April 30, 2024
Curious Nature The flying penguins
The penguinsOur outing to the penguins was cancelled due to the sickly winds. But we decided to take our moms out anyway with an impromptu roadtrip along the Route des Navigateurs. And oh, the surprise!
Updated on March 6, 2024
Foody Nature Le savoir-faire de nos arrêts gourmands - Microbrasserie Etchemin : redonner à la région
Mathieu Lagrange et Mathieu Gourde-Ferland sont des amis d’enfance, deux gars de Lac-Etchemin qui ont voulu redonner à la région. Comment? En y ouvrant une microbrasserie!
Updated on April 30, 2024
Foody Nature Le savoir-faire de nos arrêts gourmands - Verso Microbrasserie : un lieu rassembleur à Lac-Etchemin
Deux frères, une sœur, deux amis : cinq adeptes de bière et de plein air. Voilà les dynamiques instigateurs de Verso Microbrasserie, un projet artisanal né pendant la pandémie et qui, depuis septembre 2022, dote Lac-Etchemin d’un lieu rassembleur.
Updated on April 30, 2024
Foody Nature The know-how of our gourmet stops - Distillerie des Appalaches: local and colorful flavors
Remaking the world and dreaming of crazy projects: several friends do it over a drink or a good meal, but few really realize the ideas exchanged. Dave Ricard and his friend Kevin Pelletier, for their part, materialized their idea launched during a “…
Updated on April 30, 2024
Rencontres inspirantes Visit VIP in the heart of Frampton Microbrewry
In addition to tasting reknown beers, it is possible to visit the microbrewery and learn more about their work of art.
Updated on June 20, 2023
Curious Nature Miller Zoo Terrace: A seek-and-find game to live for real
Since the summer of 2022, we have not only found animals at the Miller Zoo, but also a life-size seek-and-find game like our beautiful tourist region, that of Chaudière-Appalaches.
Written on June 7, 2023
Arrêts Gourmands The know-how of our gourmet stops - Fruits et légumes des Saint-Pierre : only the freshest!
When passing through Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, a stop at Fruits et légumes des Saint-Pierre is a must. "It's really worth the detour!" says Jonathan Saint-Pierre, proudly representing the third generation of this family farm.
Updated on April 30, 2024
Arrêts Gourmands The know-how of our gourmet stops - Ferme Origine: back to basics
Renée Lortie was raised on a dairy farm. So it was natural for her to return quietly to farming.
Updated on April 30, 2024
Arrêts Gourmands The know-how of our gourmet stops - Fermes Rudbeckie: a farm stand filled with local produce
Fermes Rudbeckie has opened a new farm stand on Route 269 in Kinnear's Mills. Now it's possible to fill up on local food year-round between Quebec City's South Shore and Thedford Mines.
Updated on April 30, 2024
Arrêts Gourmands The know-how of our gourmet stops - Bergerie des Petites Laineuses: a new life project
After leaving downtown Quebec City to learn lamb breeding in Kamouraska, Quebec City natives Stéphanie Beaulieu and Pierre-Alexandre Dessureault of Lévis decided to settle in Cap-Saint-Ignace in June 2021 and create Bergerie des Petites Laineuses.
Updated on April 30, 2024