
Local Guide: Ange and his family and time stands still in Isle-aux-Grues

Nothing like the feeling of lightness when going on a getaway for the first day of summer vacation! Hit the road early in the morning, coffee and chocolate in hand, to join the Montmagny ferry which …

Ange Hébert-Corriveau June 28, 2024
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Beauce Art - Domaine de la Seigneurie - Saint-Geores - Sculpture - Effet Grandeur
Curious Nature
Beauce Art: 5 reasons to celebrate the 10ᵉ and final edition!
Ever heard of Beauce Art? At the outset, this international sculpture event set itself the goal of inviting ten sculptors a year for 10 years to create grandiose works of art. Challenge met, here we …
Odile Turgeon
Odile Turgeon Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Written on May 29, 2024
Active Nature
10 arrêts pour la famille alliant aventure & détente!
Eh, les super parents en quête d'aventures familiales épiques et de moments où ils peuvent aussi souffler un peu. On vous amène en Beauce et les Etchemins pour vous faire découvrir 10 lieux divertiss…
Odile Turgeon
Odile Turgeon Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Written on May 10, 2024
Curious Nature
Local Guide: Ange and her family learn about pottery
April is a rather muddy month, and without a bad pun, we were delighted to go and put our hands in the mud to discover as a family the Terre et Biscuit pottery workshop which opened its doors in our …
Ange Hébert-Corriveau
Updated on April 16, 2024
Active Nature
Local Guide - A 24-hour winter trip in Beauce for Ange and her family
What a strange winter we're having! Little snow and mild weather, but in the city it's more gray than white. So we were really looking forward to escaping to the countryside for a brief 24-hour getaw…
Ange Hébert-Corriveau
Updated on March 5, 2024
Fleuve - Hiver - Terrasse de Lévis - Paysage
En vedette
[LETTRE D'AMOUR À MA VILLE] Lévis, happiness even in winter!
In recent years, Lévis has been ranked first in the happiness index for cities with populations of over 100,000, and is often among the leaders. But what about winter? Let me tell you about my Lévis …
Stéphane Bourque
Stéphane Bourque Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Written on February 13, 2024
En vedette
[LOVE LETTER TO MY CITY] Sainte-Marie of my frosty heart!!
Sainte-Marie is the town where I was born, where I grew up, it is also the town of my family home. This is the city where I definitely know someone when I go to the grocery store. So, as soon as I ta…
Sarah Moore
Sarah Moore Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Updated on February 13, 2024
Place des migrations - Montmagny - Crédits DanielTPhoto
[LOVE LETTER TO MY CITY] Montmagny, you are my beloved city!
The summer of 2009... I remember it like it was yesterday. It was the summer I left my native Trifluvia to study away from home, in Montmagny. Back then, all I knew of the white goose capital was the…
Jonathan Regnière
Jonathan Regnière Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Written on February 12, 2024
Love letter to a wintry Saint-Georges
My sister once asked me why I decided to come back to live in our hometown. On the spur of the moment, I said that Saint-Georges was just like any other cities. You work, shop and see friends and fam…
Sara Boulanger
Sara Boulanger Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Written on February 6, 2024
Active Nature - En vedette - Foody Nature
Photographer and blogger Jeff On The Road tells us about his gourmet, relaxing and outdoor stay in Lévis
Many years ago, long before I became a photographer and blogger, I studied architecture at Cégep de Lévis. To be honest, I didn't know much about the city. Every morning for 3 years, I admired Route …
Jeff Frenette
Updated on January 26, 2024
Local Guide- Ange and her family spend a January weekend at Islet
L'Islet may be a destination we associate with its riverfront in the summer, but it's also a place to discover year-round! We fell under its spell in the middle of January, when we were lucky enough …
Ange Hébert-Corriveau
Updated on January 22, 2024
Active Nature - En vedette
On skates, in the forest, with the family!
Tout le monde dans la famille aime patiner. Bien sûr, il y'a la patinoire de quartier, mais entre vous et moi, y'a rien comme patiner en forêt. À chaque année, on attend avec impatience l'ouverture d…
Stéphanie Allard
Stéphanie Allard Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Updated on January 22, 2024
Active Nature
Ange and his family skate in the Quai Paquet frozen trail
Parmi les traditions hivernales qui nous replongent possiblement dans nos souvenirs d’enfance, il y a d’aller flâner à la patinoire du quartier. Les patinoires sont en hiver un point de rassemblement…
Ange Hébert-Corriveau
Written on December 20, 2023
En vedette
A wintry weekend in Chaudière-Appalaches with The Storytellers MTL
While the city energizes us, nature stimulates our inspiration and allows us to recharge our batteries. This is why we often feel the need to land there and venture there. So we jumped at the chance …
The Storytellers MTL
Written on February 28, 2023
Active Nature
A memorable fatbike outing on the Sentiers de l'Inconnu
Not sure it's not known that much, but as for me, there's zero problem that it remains unknown!
Stéphane Bourque
Stéphane Bourque Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Written on January 23, 2023
Active Nature - En vedette
The austrian toboggan : run down a slope of thrills!
Mount Sainte-Marguerite ... You may know it today under the name of Domaine du Radar, this former military base now a 4-season outdoor base where you can do many activities such as hiking, mountain b…
Stéphanie Allard
Stéphanie Allard Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Written on November 23, 2022
Active Nature - Foody Nature - En vedette
Au Québ tells us about his beer and outdoors trip to Beauce!
Parce qu’une pinte de bière se savoure toujours mieux avec les joues rougies par une bonne journée passée à s’amuser dehors, on vous amène aujourd’hui en Beauce pour un roadtrip pas compliqué alliant…
Au Québ
Written on February 28, 2022
Curious Nature
Hôtel & Suites Normandin Lévis : Pourquoi ses visiteurs adorent y séjourner!
Les visiteurs sont unanimes! Avec une note 4,5 sur 5 sur les avis Google, l'Hôtel & Suites Normandin Lévis est grandement apprécié par ses visiteurs. Découvrez pourquoi grâce à de vrais témoignages d…
Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Written on June 17, 2024
Curious Nature
5 raisons de VIREZ CULTURE cet été!
Virez Culture en Chaudière-Appalaches est un projet qui met en valeur la richesse culturelle, le patrimoine historique et les paysages pittoresques de la région. Le site Web présente une carte intera…
Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Written on May 29, 2024
Winter getaway with your dog at Esker Nature
When winter arrives in Quebec, there's nothing like a stay with your dog in a cottage to make the most of this magnificent season. It's time to relax around a roaring fire in warm, comforting accommo…
Laëtitia Clouzot
Written on May 23, 2024