Quad - Hiver 2020

Quad (ATV)

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Quad - Hiver 2020 - 429 ouest
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Quad in Chaudiere-Appalaches, it's about 1 900 miles of trails (winter, summer and four seasons) and access to incredible viewing points. Also,continue your adventure by discovering the approximatively 800 miles of trails of the bordering region of  Centre-du-Québec .

View trails, plan your route, calculate distances and enjoy the GPS functions by downloading the iQuad App from Google play or from the app Store.

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our stories on the trails

Big fun! Winter, like summer!

Aventure au Max IN tourville

Max is in Tourville, in the region of Chaudière-Appalaches. He meets the director of the tourist office of L'Islet, and goes discover Lac Trois-Saumons in quad. (Video in french)

quad - région - vue de haut - été

Aventure au Max IN thetford mines

Max goes to Thetford Mines to discover La Cache du Domaine, where he meets the director, Sébastien Blais. He goes side-by-side with volunteers from the Club Quad Amiante to discover the beautiful landscapes of the region, to complete their adventure at Domaine Du Radar. (Video in french)

Quad - été - trail