Museum and Interpretation center

Lieu historique national de la Maison sir Étienne-Paschal-Taché

Montmagny • Montmagny and the islands
Maison Sir Étienne-Paschal-Taché
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Lieu historique national de la Maison sir Étienne-Paschal-Taché

Contact details

143, street St-Jean-Baptiste est
Montmagny Québec, G5V 1K4
List of itineraries

418 248-3361 #2146


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Our crushes (2)

  • summer kitchen

    Visit the servants' area located in the basement.

  • Authentic decor

    Original wallpaper and trompe-l'oeil from the 19th century.

In a few words

Built between 1821 and 1830, the Sir Étienne-Paschal Taché House bears witness to the life of one of the “Fathers of the Canadian Confederation,” who was also a physician and Prime Minister under united Canada. The permanent exposition “A life of devotion” is dedicated to his life and work. Guide-interpreters will be delighted to help you learn more about this public figure. This historical home also has rooms that serve to showcase the new exhibition entitled “La grande époque de A. Bélanger Ltée” where you can discover the history of this magnymontoise fondry and the objects it produced.

Visit duration : 1.00 h

For Real!

To visit Sir É-P-Taché House is to enter into the intimacy of a larger-than-life figure who marked his era and whose political influence is still palpable today.

Patrick Morency, Lieu historique national de la Maison sir Étienne-Paschal-Taché

Certifications et distinctions

  • The Navigator's Trail
  • Grand Prix Régional - 2007

Schedule and prices


June 3 to September 1: daily, from noon to 5:30 pm

September 7 to October 20, Saturdays and Sundays, from noon to 5:30 pm

For the month of September, it is possible to visit the house by booking on weekdays.

Guided tours at the half hour.

Open on public holidays from June to October. Open at all times for groups, on reservation.


Full guided tour: $4. Exhibit only and students: $2. Children 5 years and under: free. Special rates for groups.

Articles (1)


Virée culturelle à Montmagny

Du haut de ses 375 ans d'histoire, Montmagny compte d'inspirants musées et attraits culturels enracinés au cœur de magnifiques bâtiments patrimoniaux. Êtes-vous prêt à vivre une virée culturelle des plus divertissantes ?