Motoneige - Paysage - neige - arbres - Sentier

The In-Between

This itinerary will allow you to explore the trails of Chaudière-Appalaches and Centre-du-Québec. You will cross the foothills of the Appalachians with its magnificent viewpoints, but also a sector located in the plains of the St. Lawrence.

The In-Between - 185 miles

Itinerary map

Consult the interactive map and display the points of interest of your choice such as: accommodation, relays/refuges, restaurants, gas stations, etc.

Email everything to yourself and view your itinerary with your preferences with the  iMotoneige  app on your mobile.


Consult the map

The Mining Landscape

Snowmobilers Favourite

The landscapes offered by the old mines in the Vimy Ridge and Black Lake sector are simply spectacular!

Région de Thetford- Paysage Hiver

185 miles

The in-between

You will cross the foothills of the Appalachians with its magnificent viewpoints but also a sector located in the plains of the St. Lawrence.

Before you leave, check

the latest trail conditions !